Until something came up and brought this whole question back with a vengeance. As I have stated in my last entry, I had a presentation to give to some of my instructors last Monday on the ideas I would be doing for my demo reel. I also showed them a two minute video showcasing my term 2 work. After I had finished my presentation they somewhat questioned my decision of going into VFX as (it turns out) my animation is very strong. The idea that we chose for my final demo reel involves an animated robot (more details later), so naturally I would be taking classes in VFX and animation (major/minor). They suggested maybe making an animation reel instead of a VFX reel. This completely threw me for a loop because I had already made up my mind to do VFX and now they toss this at me. So for the past week I have been going back and forth, back and forth, animation, VFX, animation, VFX.
This morning I came up with my final decision (after a week of suffering through this decision). I will continue doing my VFX reel. However, since it is animation heavy (and I still get to take classes in animation) I will try to incorporate as much animation as possible. After speaking with an instructor about this, I found that this was a great decision and will allow me to somewhat have my cake and eat it too. I decided I would get my foot in the door doing VFX, and if I want to switch later I can try to transfer into the animation department at the studio I will theoretically be working in.
So now I would like to show you the animation that I did in this last term. There are a few pieces (both 2D and 3D as usual). This term, though, the animations were a bit more complicated so the 2D animations were used only as a starting point/guide. It only has the major keys/poses and so it is not as smooth as if it were a polished animation. However, this stage really helps in the understanding of the mechanics of timing and line of action, etc.
First is a walk cycle (this one is a little more fun than my last walk cycle)
Next we did a "personality" walk cycle. More fun to do because now the walk has a bit more character/emotion.
And as an added bonus here is lighting test I did with this sad walk.
Next is a run cycle.
Also, for fun in the last 2D class we did a double bounce walk (didn't do this in 3D though)
This is the end of the cycle animations that we did. Now came a couple of assignments that were a bit more tough to do. The Push and the Lift. The main purpose of these assignments is to show weight and force exerted and make it believable.
I am especially proud of my lift. I wish I had a bit more time to work on it because some parts of the animation could be a bit smoother, but overall I am happy with it.
Well this was a super long entry. Sorry for the length. The next entry should be shorter since I will have less to catch up on. I hope you enjoyed this. I will try to upload more frequently. Peace.